Abies female cone

Dr Gregory Guerin B.Sc. Hons. PhD. Grad. Cert. Arb.

BSc Hons Botany 1st Class University of Adelaide 2001

PhD in Science (taxonomic botany) University of Adelaide, conferred 2008

Graduate Certificate in Arboriculture (GCA) University of Melbourne 2023

  • Plant Health (First Class Honours)

  • Tree Growth & Function (First Class Honours)

  • Managing Urban Trees (First Class Honours)

  • Tree Identification & Selection (First Class Honours)

Gregory is a fully qualified AQF Level 8 Arborist, botanist and experienced forest ecologist with a quarter of a century’s experience in these fields, practising as an arboricultural consultant and tree doctor with over 80 published articles on plant taxonomy, vegetation, plant biodiversity, and forest health in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Arborist Dr Gregory Guerin attends tree with orchard ladder and pole pruner

Selected publications in forest science:

Guerin, G.R., Keppel, G., Peters, S. & Hurren, A. (2023) Dieback of stringybark eucalypt forests in the Mount Lofty Ranges. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 147, 17-38.

Keppel, G., Sarnow, U., Biffin, E., Peters, S., Fitzgerald, D., Boutsalis, E., Waycott, M. & Guerin, G.R. (2023) Population decline in a Pleistocene refugium: stepwise, drought-related dieback of a South Australian eucalypt. Science of the Total Environment 876, 162697.

Fitzgerald, D.L., Peters, S., Guerin, G.R., McGrath, A. & Keppel, G. (2023) Quantifying dieback in a vulnerable population of Eucalyptus macrorhyncha using remote sensing. Land 12, 1271.

Kok, X., Bruns, L., Guerin, G. & Keppel, G. (2023) Understorey vegetation moderates climate in open forests: the role of the grass tree Xanthorrhoea semiplana F.Muell. Austral Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/aec.13455